

  • Lee SW, Antiga L, Steinman DA. Variation in the hemodynamics of young adult carotid bifurcations. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Keystone: Jun 2007.
  • Ford MD, Lee SW, Lownie SP, Holdsworth DW, Steinman DA. Geometry anticipates hemodynamic phenotype of basilar tip aneurysms. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Keystone: Jun 2007.
  • Ezeokoli CO, Malhotra S, Astor B, Steinman DA, Wasserman BA. The retropharyngeal carotid artery: A cautionary tale. ASNR 45th Annual Meeting, Chicago: Jun 2007.
  • Bahramian F, Straatman AG, Steinman DA. Study of a non-uniform test filter for LES on nonorthogonal grids. 15th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Toronto: May 2007.


  • Ethier CR, Zhou YQ, Lin A, Feintuch A, Steinman DA, Henkelman M. Comparison of measured and virtual Doppler ultrasound spectra in mouse aorta. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich: July 2006
  • Moyle KR, Ford MD, Steinman DA. Mesh generation for computational fluid dynamic simulations of aneurysm interventions. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich: July 2006.
  • Ford MD, Nikolov HN, DeMont E, Holdsworth DW, Steinman DA. Particle image velocimetry of flow dynamics in anatomically realistic basilar tip aneurysms. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich: July 2006.
  • Ford MD, Nikolov HN, Milner JS, Holdsworth DW, Steinman DA. PIV validation of pulsatile flow in a patient-specific aneurysm CFD model. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich: July 2006.
  • Lee SW, Steinman DA. On the relative importance of rheology for image-based CFD models of the carotid bifurcation. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich: July 2006. Invited.
  • Bahramian F, Straatman AG, Steinman DA. A comparison of periodic boundary conditions for computing fully-developed square duct flow using LES.     14th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Kingston: Jul 2006.
  • Simedrea P, Antiga L, Steinman DA. FE-MRI: Simulation of MRI using arbitrary finite elements. ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Seattle: May 2006.


  • Ford MD, Nikolov HN, Milner JS, Kalata W, Loth F, Lownie SP, Holdsworth DW, Steinman DA. In vitro validation of an image-based CFD model of an anatomically realistic aneurysm. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Vail: June 2005.
  • Moyle KR, Antiga L, Steinman DA. Inlet conditions in hemodynamics – effects of secondary flow on mod-eled wall shear stress at the carotid bifurcation. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Vail: June 2005.
  • Ford MD, Alperin N, Lee SH, Holdsworth DW, Steinman DA. Characterization of normal cerebrovascular volumetric flow rate dynamics by PC-MRI. ISMRM 13th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Miami: May 2005.
  • Ford MD, Stuhne GR, Nikolov HN, Lownie SP, Holdsworth DW, Steinman DA. Virtual angiography for visualization and validation of computational fluid dynamics models of aneurysm hemodynamics. SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, February 2005.
  • Hirji S, Downey DB, Holdsworth DW, Steinman DA. Interactive and real-time virtual Doppler ultrasound. SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, February 2005.
  • Stuber M, Pan L, Osman N, Steinman DA, Wasserman BA. Black-blood vessel wall imaging using STimulatd Echo Acquisition Mode (STEAM). SCMR Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, January 2005.


  • Steinman DA. Challenges for longitudinal image-based CFD studies. International Workshop on Flow and Motion 2004, Zurich, July 2004. [Conference paper]
  • Khoshniat M, Thorne ML, Poepping TL, Holdsworth DW, Steinman DA. Real-time virtual Doppler ultrasound. SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, February 2004.


  • Khoshniat M, Stuhne GR, Steinman DA. Relative performance of geometric search algorithms for interpolating unstructured mesh data. The Sixth Annual International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Montreal, November 2003. [Conference paper]
  • Antiga L, Steinman DA. Automated parameterization and patching of bifurcating vessels. International Symposium on Modelling of Physiological Flows, Lausanne, September 2003. [Conference paper]
  • Thomas JB, Che SL, Milner JS, Antiga L, Rutt BK, Spence JD, Steinman DA. Geometric characterization of the normal and mildly diseased human carotid bifurcation. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne FL, June 2003. [Conference paper]
  • Stuhne GR, Steinman DA. Mesh resolution requirements for the numerical simulation of flow through stented aneurysms. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne FL, June 2003. [Conference paper]
  • Ford MD, Nikolov HN, Holdsworth DW, Steinman DA. The effect of gravity on cine x-ray angiography. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne FL, June 2003. [Conference paper]
  • Steinman DA, Kehoe SC, Ford MD, Nikolov HN, Holdsworth DW.  Dancing on the knife-edge of symmetry: On the misuse of symmetric models for studying blood flow dynamics. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne FL, June 2003. [Conference paper]
  • Ryval JJ, Straatman AG, Steinman DA. Low Reynolds number modeling of pulsatile flow in a moderately constricted geometry11th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Vancouver BC, May 2003. [Conference paper]
  • Thomas JB, Milner JS, Rutt BK, Holdsworth DW, Steinman DA. Accuracy of in vivo carotid bifurcation geometry reconstructed from serial black blood MRI. ISMRM 11th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto ON, May 2003. [Conference paper]


  • Steinman DA, Milner JS, Norley CJ, Lownie SP, Holdsworth DW. Computed blood flow dynamics in an anatomically realistic cerebral aneurysmIV World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary AB, August 2002. [Conference paper]
  • Baghdadi L, Ladak HM, Steinman DA. Template-based finite element mesh generation from medical imagesIV World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary AB, August 2002. [Conference paper]


  • Steinman DA. Reproducibility of 3-D reconstructions of the carotid bifurcation from black blood MRIXIII International Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Madison WI, September 2001. Proceedings, p. 68.[Abstract]
  • Tambasco M, Steinman DA. Transit times of shear-exposed fluid elements in stenosed carotid artery bifurcation models. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Snowbird UT, June 2001. Proceedings (BED-Vol. 50), pp. 761-762. [Conference paper]
  • Thomas JB, Milner JS, Steinman DA. On the reproducibility of computationally imaged carotid bifurcation models. ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Snowbird UT, June 2001. Proceedings (BED-Vol. 50), pp. 559-560. [Conference paper]
  • Gati J, Thomas J, Steinman DA, Rutt BK. High resolution fast spin echo imaging of human carotid artery wall at 4T. ISMRM 9th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Glasgow, April 2001. Proceedings, p. 1964. [Conference paper]


  • Steinman DA. Reconstruction of carotid bifurcation wall thickness and hemodynamics via black blood MRI. XII International Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Lyon, October 2000. MAGMA 12, p. 73. [Abstract]
  • Steinman DA, Henderson RD, Eliasziw M, Barnett HJM. A model of the cerebrovasculature for predicting flow redistribution due to carotid artery stenosis. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago IL, July 2000. [Abstract]
  • Steinman DA, Thomas JB, Ladak HM, Milner JS, Merino JG, Spence JD. Use of a patient-specific computational hemodynamic model to explain conflicting Doppler and B-mode ultrasound assessments of carotid stenosis. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago IL, July 2000. [Abstract]
  • Thomas JB, Ladak HM, Milner JS, Rutt BK, Steinman DA. Identifying correlations between wall shear stress and vascular disease in vivo: preliminary observations in patients with early carotid artery disease. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago IL, July 2000. [Abstract]
  • Tambasco M, Steinman DA. On the accuracy of volumetric residence times in a cfd model of a stenosed carotid bifurcation. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago IL, July 2000. [Abstract]
  • Ladak HM, Mao F, Wang Y, Downey DB, Steinman DA, Fenster A. Prostate segmentation from 2D ultrasound images. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago IL, July 2000. [Conference Paper]
  • Gill JD, Ladak HM, Steinman DA, Fenster A. Segmentation of ulcerated plaque: A semi-automatic metjhods for tracking the progression of carotid atherosclerosis. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago IL, July 2000. [Conference Paper]
  • Steinman DA. Subject-specific models of large vessel fluid dynamics: an ideal platform for testing integrated models of vascular disease. 4th Annual Hilton Head Workshop: Computational Modeling of Biological Systems: From Gene to Organ, Hilton Head SC, February 2000. Proceedings, p. 34 [Abstract]


  • Steinman DA, Ladak HM, Thomas JB, Milner JS, Lee DH, Rutt BK, Spence JD. Progress towards prospective computational imaging studies of hemodynamics and vascular disease in humans. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Nashville TN, November 1999. Proceedings (BED-Vol. 43), pp. 79-80. [Conference paper]
  • Ladak HM, Downey DB, Steinman DA, Fenster A. Semi-automatic technique for segmentation of the prostate from 2D ultrasound images. 1st Joint Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Atlanta GA, October 1999. Proceedings, p. 1144.
  • Gill JD, Ladak H, Steinman DA, Fenster A. Accuracy of a semi-automatic technique for segmentation of the carotid arteries from 3D ultrasound images. 1st Joint Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Atlanta GA, October 1999. Proceedings, p. 1146
  • Steinman DA. Hemodynamics and vascular disease at the human carotid bifurcation. XI International Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Lund, September 1999. Acta Radiologica 41(Suppl 422), p.30. [Abstract]
  • Gill JD, Ladak H, Steinman DA, Fenster A. Evaluation of a semi-automatic technique for segmentation of the carotid arteries from 3D ultrasound images. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Sherbrooke QE, June 1999.
  • Guo LR, Moon BC, Steinman DA. Effect of distal graft anastomosis site on retrograde perfusion and flow patterns of native coronary artery vasculature. Annual meeting of the Western Thoracic Surgical Association, Lake Tahoe CA, June 1999.
  • Gin R, Straatman AG, Steinman DA. Numerical modelling of the diseased carotid artery bifurcation using a physiologically relevant geometric model. 7th Annual Meeting of the CFD Society of Canada, Halifax NS, May 1999. [Conference paper]
  • Gill JD, Ladak HM, Steinman DA, Fenster A. Development and evaluation of a semi-automatic 3-D segmentation technique of the carotid arteries from 3-D ultrasound images. Annual Meeting of the Medical Imaging Division of SPIE, San Diego CA, February 1999. SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3661, pp. 214-221.


  • Steinman DA. Advances in computational imaging of blood flow. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Anaheim CA, November 1998. Proceedings (BED-Vol. 39), pp. 125-126. [Conference paper]
  • Moore JA, Steinman DA, Karlik SJ, Rutt BK, Holdsworth DW, Ethier CR. Accuracy assessment of computational blood flow modelling in realistic arterial geometries. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Anaheim CA, November 1998. Proceedings (BED-Vol. 39), pp. 123-124.
  • Ethier CR, Steinman DA, Couch G, Ojha M. Validation of complex separation patterns in an end-to-side anastomosis model. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Anaheim CA, November 1998. Proceedings (BED-Vol. 39), pp. 77-78. [Conference paper]
  • Steinman DA, Moon BC, Guo R, Wan WK. Effect of distal anastomosis site on branch flow. Annual meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Cleveland OH, October 1998. Ann Biomed Eng 26(Suppl. 1), p. S-69.
  • Steinman DA, Poepping TL, Rankin RN, Holdsworth DW. Hemodynamics of stenosed carotid bifurcations. Annual meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Cleveland OH, October 1998. Ann Biomed Eng 26(Suppl. 1), p. S-59.
  • Ladak HM, Steinman DA. Computer assisted quantification of arterial wall thickness from magnetic resonance images. Annual meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Cleveland OH, October 1998. Ann Biomed Eng 26(Suppl. 1), p. S-4.
  • Ladak HM, Fenster A, Steinman DA. Semi-automatic segmentation of 3D ultrasound images of ovarian follicles using an inflating balloon model. 44th Annual Scientific meeting of the Canadian Organisation of Medical Physicists, London ON, June 1998. Proceedings, p. 314.


  • Steinman DAUnderstanding flow artifacts in MRA: Insights from computational fluid dynamics. IX International Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Valencia, October 1997. [Conference paper]
  • Moore JA, Steinman DA, Karlik S, Rutt BK, Holdsworth DW, Ethier CR. Computational blood flow modelling in real arteries: in vivo models vs. vascular casts. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Sun River OR, June 1997. Proceedings (BED-Vol. 35), pp. 345-346.
  • Steinman DA, Rutt BK. Computed hemodynamics in an imaged human carotid artery bifurcation. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Sun River OR, June 1997. Proceedings (BED-Vol. 35), pp. 341-342.
  • Moore JA, Steinman DA, Johnston KW, Ethier CR. Geometrical sensitivity in 3-D arterial blood flow studies. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Sun River OR, June 1997. Proceedings (BED-Vol. 35), pp. 339-340.
  • Ethier CR, Moore JA, Steinman DA, Holdsworth D. Construction of vascular models from MRI: accuracy assessment based on flow simulations in a carotid bifurcation model. 1st International Interdisciplinary Conference on Cardiovascular Medicine, Surgery, Science, and Mechanics, Washington D.C., June 1997. Int. J. Cardiovasc. Med. Sci. 1(1), p. 73, 1997.
  • Steinman DA, Rutt BK. Unsaturated flow can mimic the appearance of plaque in FSE black blood images of the carotid bifurcation. ISMRM 5th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Vancouver, April 1997. Proceedings, p. 800. [Poster]


  • Ethier CR, Ojha M, Steinman DA. Internal flow separation due to secondary flows. 49th Annual American Physical Society Fluids Division Meeting, Syracuse, November 1996. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 41, p. 1718, 1996.
  • Moore JA, Steinman DA, Johnston KW, Ethier CR. A numerical study of 3D arterial blood flow patterns and their sensitivity to geometry. 4th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, June 1996. Proceedings, pp. 715–722.
  • Ethier CR, Steinman DA, Ojha M. Numerical and experimental studies of steady flow separation patterns in a junction. 4th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, June 1996. Proceedings, pp. 271–278.
  • Steinman DA, Ethier CR, Rutt BK. Predicting velocity imaging artifacts via simulated particle tracking. ISMRM 4th Meeting & Exposition, New York, April 1996. Proceedings, p. 87.
  • Mapara N, Steinman DA, Holdsworth DW, Roach MR. A numerical study of flow over mild stenoses. 15th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Dayton OH, March 1996. Proceedings, pp. 99–102.